Saturday, November 25, 2006

as the eleventh hour wizzes by...

so.. hi, welcome to my blog
what a crazy, weird thing to presume that you (being you who may happen upon this blog by whatever weird twist of cyber fate) are interested... in any of this... at all!

having said that, i myself have been a 'you' and found some absolute nuggets of gold in blogs that i've stumbled upon during cyberspace meanderings.
'tis a weird but wonderful thing - this whole other world.
but catch me before i think myself into a knot about the reason / rationality of blogging or wander off into Marshall McLuhan land...

i should introduce myself.
my name is dee - diesel retsina to my friends - retsi to my best mate
and i'm writing this blog primarily because the eleventh hour is well and truly nigh!

you see, there's this assessment task for uni - design a website to promote your work -
quite straightforward you would think. i've had fourteen weeks (and then some) to get it done. it doesn't have to be big or elaborate (a concept that i struggle to grasp - "if it's small make it big" could well be my mantra) and really should be quite simple.

having spent weeks whinging and whining - and asking too many questions...
"i don't like templates"
"i want it to be fun / informal"
"then it won't look professional"
"who's going to read the thing?"
"what would craft australia think?"
"how are they even going to find it?"
"do i want it to be taken seriously?"
"what do you mean by seriously?"
"do funding bodies look at websites?"
"of course thay do you fool. don't they?"
"bloody computer's having another conniption!"
"do you think it has a virus?"
"i know i've got the flu"
"curse you goddamned voices!!"

i bit the bullet, drew some pictures, went to battle with my computer and seemed to be winning (as long as i ignored the nagging voices)...

a (very badly timed) trip to adelaide, a traumatic return to sydney, further computer hysteria (catatonia possibly a better description) and a knock-you-down-for-three-days bout of the flu and lo and behold, is that the eleventh hour i see before me?


so thinking laterally (by which i really mean, thinking through a haze of pain killers and mild sedatives) i arrived at the blog solution - aside from the template issue it's all good (so far).

i hope you'll come along with me on this crazy ride through blogging land - my assessment task requires that i show you six examples of my work, my c.v. and give a 500 word rant on why i do the things i do (i think the formal wording is " discuss your conceptual concerns and studio practices"). no doubt i'll be compelled to chuck my 2 cents in elsewhere as we go along.

there's also a link here to my 'proper' website, the one that at the moment looks uber professional but is grossly out of date - have a geez and stay tuned - one of these days (definitely a holiday project) i'll get it sorted.

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